20/05/2022 / Respiratory System, Lungs and Pulmonology

Lung Infection: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Our lung plays an important role in the metabolism of the whole body as it helps in respiration and also in the removal of metabolic gas residues. In this article, we have discussed lung infections, causes and their treatment.

Lung Infection Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P
Keerthana A P
Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate
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Infections of vital organs always result in some big issues in health and homeostasis. Among the organs, the lung plays an important role in the metabolism of the whole body as it helps in respiration and also in the removal of metabolic gas residues. But the lung is also one of the most vulnerable organs to any type of infection. Lungs can be infected by viruses, bacteria, and even fungus. One of the most common types of lung infection is pneumonia wherein the sacs of the lungs become infected by bacteria or viruses. In this article, you will know about the various symptoms of lung infections, their causes, and their treatment. 

Types of Lung Infections

Though there are many types of lung infections, these three are commonly mentioned,


The inflammation of the tubes that carry the air in and out of the lungs is called bronchitis. It is usually caused by the virus and it improves by itself. 


Infection of the air sacs of one or both lungs is called pneumonia. This infection is usually life life-threatening and needs immediate treatment. 


These infections are usual during the winter months and are caused by viruses. The small tubules that carry the air to the lungs are affected. 

8 Different Symptoms of Lung Infections

For lung infections, there are some common symptoms irrespective of the type of infection. However, the intensity of these infections can widely differ from person to person depending upon age, microorganism involved, and immune abilities. 

Symptoms of Lung Infections

1. Fatigue 

When the body is fighting the infections, you would feel sleepy and sluggish. This results in fatigue and makes one inactive. So, rest is most crucial at such times. 

2. Shortness of Breath

You would feel difficult to breathe properly if the lungs are infected. Many of them experience stabbing chest pains that run from back to mid-back accompanied by difficult breathing patterns. At this stage, the infection would be often serious and it is advised to look for a doctor’s than relying on self-medications. 

3. Wheezing 

While exhaling, the breathing sounds would be accompanied by the whistling sounds which are due to the narrowed and obstructed airways.

4. Runny nose 

The runny nose is often accompanied by other symptoms like sneezing and breathing difficulties. 

5. Body aches

When you have a lung infection, it is very normal to have back pains due to the inflammation that occurs all over the body in response to the infections. 

6. Fever

In response to any infections, the body temperature would rise as the body prepares itself to fight the pathogens causing disease. The normal body temperature would be around 37 degrees celsius. But in the case of infections, it can rise as above as 102 degrees celsius. High fevers can result in chills, muscle aches, dehydration, headache, and even at times, death. So, care should be taken to keep your body temperature regulated while having lung infections. 

7. Bluish Appearance of Skin or Lips

As the lungs are an important organ to carry oxygen-rich blood, the infection affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of the body. As a result, the skin and lips can become blue due to the lack of oxygen. 

8. Cough with thick mucus

Coughing is a way for the body to get rid of that mucus that is obstructing the airways and disturbing the breathing patterns. Coughing is the most prominent symptom in the case of lung infections like bronchitis or pneumonia. The mucous colour has different variations like white, green, or grey. Among all other symptoms, cough is the most consistent symptom as it lingers even after all other symptoms subside. 

Causes of Lung Infections

Lung infections can be caused by so many sets of microorganisms spread out in the atmosphere. The most common type of lung infections is bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Here are a few of the common causes of the lung infections,

Causes of Lung Infections
  • Bronchitis

  • Bronchiolitis

  • Common cold

  • Coronavirus

  • Enterovirus

  • Croup

  • Influenza

  • Whooping cough (Pertussis)

  • Tuberculosis

  • Pneumonia

Treatments for Lung Infection

The treatment for the lung infection will depend on the type of infection but there are some common therapies for every illness.

Treatments for Lung Infection

Hospital Treatments

Depending on the nature of the infection which can be bacterial, viral, or fungal, the treatment is given. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are needed while for fungal or viral infections, you need a different set of medications. For fungal infections, medications like Diflucan, Nizoral, or Ancoban are prescribed. If the lung infections result in severe deprivation of oxygen in the body or hypoxia, oxygen therapy or assisted breathing may be needed. 

Home Remedies

Even though severe lung infections require medical attention, some mild infections can get better with home remedies. Taking Tylenol, drinking plenty of fluids, and using a cool-mist vaporizer are some of the effective home remedies to counter lung infections. 

10 Risk Factors of Lung Infection

Though anyone can catch lung infections, certain risk factors can increase your chances of getting one. Some of the risk factors are,

1. Smoking or exposure to smoke

Smoking can make your lungs vulnerable to many infections. So it is always advised to not only avoid smoking but also to keep a distance from people who are smoking as passive smoking is equally dangerous. 

2. Asthma and allergies

Asthma and allergies can make you easily catch many lung infections out there and your sensitive immune system can make the infections worse. 

3. Crowded living conditions

Crowd places carry many carriers that can infect your lungs easily as many of them are airborne. So, it is better to stay away from the crowds as it is an easy way to prevent infections. 

4. Winter months in the northern hemisphere

Winter seasons are always renowned for inviting many guests that can cause lung infections. Not only the temperature, but the pollen grains can also play a critical role in bringing down your respiratory health. 

5. Dry mucous membranes

Mucous are an important agent to capture the invading microbes just like the police officials capture the soldiers. But if the mucous membranes become dry, you become vulnerable to catching infections. 

6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Even though your body is compartmentalised into digestive and respiratory systems, they are still connected. So, any infections affecting the gastrointestinal tract also affect the lung tissues. 

7. Malnutrition

Any disease can be evaded if you have a proper and well functioning immune system. Lung infections are usually very serious issues but if you lack a proper immune system, it can result in the fatal stage.  

8. Lack of immunizations

Getting flu shots is very essential for maintaining good health and it can protect you from catching any serious infections. Not taking any immunisations can put you in danger when it comes to lung infections. 

9. Bottle feeding (instead of breastfeeding)

Bottle feeding is a very common source of lung infections as many people don't use many essential hygienic practices. Since infants are very vulnerable to infections, they can easily catch many deadly diseases. 

10. Congenital heart disease

People with congenital heart diseases are at higher risk of catching infections. This is especially true with children and infants. 

Prevention of Lung Infections

Prevention is always better than cure. So the best step would be to try to prevent lung infections in the first place. So, here are a few of the effective tips that can prevent lung infections a greater percentage. 

  • Try to avoid crowded places as most lung infections are airborne. 

  • Wash your hands regularly with effective sanitisers and soaps. 

  • Stay away from harmful tobacco products.

  • Avoid the constant touching of your face or mouth.

  • Avoid sharing foods, utensils and handkerchiefs with other people.

  • Get a flu shot every year to prevent influenza infection. 

When to call a doctor?

If you are suffering from lung infections and suffering severe symptoms like those below, it is advised to see a doctor very soon. 

  • High fever (more than 101 F)

  • Symptoms that are persistent for more than two weeks, like cough, fatigue, etc.,

  • Consistent chest pain

  • Rapid respiratory rate

  • Shortness of breath while at rest

  • Fast pulse or palpitations

  • Lightheadedness

  • Confusion or falls (elderly)

  • Signs of dehydration such as thirst or wet diapers (infants)

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Coughing up the blood

Take-Home Points

  • Lung infections are usually serious infections caused by microorganisms like viruses or bacteria.

  • The most common lung infections are bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia.

  • The symptoms of lung infections are fever, body aches, fatigue, cough, congested nose, fever, and runny nose. 

  • Some of the risk factors for lung infections are smoking, crowded place residences, malnutritions, asthma, allergies, and bottle feeding. 

  • The treatment of lung infections depends on the causal organisms and the severity of the infections.

  • Severe cases of infections can require hospitalizations and ventilation support.


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