06/10/2024 / Health and Fitness

How to Improve Sperm Count and Male Fertility?

Know How to Improve Sperm Count? Also discover the causes, natural ways and foods to increase sperm count and male fertility.

How to Improve Sperm Count and Male Fertility
Mohammad AqdusMohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus
Medical Student, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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There are several causes of low sperm count in men which include smoking, excessive alcoholism, certain medications, medical issues, and lifestyle habits. Though it is not yet clear how many people experience low sperm count, it is estimated that about 180 million couples across the globe are struggling with infertility problems.  

Studies show that low sperm count reduces the chances of conception (becoming pregnant).

The good news is that there are various ways how to increase sperm count naturally without using invasive processes like surgery.

In this blog post, we will discuss various ways to increase sperm count which can increase your odds of fathering a child. 

What Determines Sperm Count?

About publications in the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, two main factors determine male sperm count at any given time.  These include the number of Sertoli cells in a man’s testes, and the duration since the last ejaculation (abstinence). Both the factors impact sperm count, though abstinence is variable whereas Sertoli cell number becomes fixed at an early stage of development.

Sperm production is a continuous process that starts during puberty and each sperm may take up to 10 weeks to manufacture. The frequency of ejaculation significantly determines the rate at which sperms are being used up. Consequently, this will impact sperm count at any point in a man. In short, the higher the ejaculations, the fewer the sperm count.

Unlike in animals where sperms are stored in bulk, there is no sperm storage in humans. This means that sperm count in men reflects production rate although it can be modified through abstinence.  

What Causes Low Sperm Count?

 Health professionals believe that factors that influence testosterone levels significantly impact both sperm count and quality. There are certain risk factors associated with low sperm count. They include being obese or overweight, use of certain medications, and traumatic experiences like accidents or surgery around the testes.  Previous medical issues or exposing your testicles to too much heat can also put you at a higher risk.

What Causes Low Sperm Count

Apart from these risk factors, other causes of low sperm count can be categorised as follows:

1. Medical risk factors

Previous testicular symptoms, injury, surgery or generic conditions like Klinefelter Syndrome. Treatments for cancer such as radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy can alter sperm and hormone production. Brain surgery can also impact levels of hormones that stimulate sperm production, leading to low sperm count.

Other medical causes of low sperm count include sexually transmitted infections (STIs), erection dysfunction, varicocele vein, cystic fibrosis, spinal injury, diabetes, testicular surgery, and vasectomy.

2. Environmental risk factors

Temperatures around the testicles tend to be slightly lower than in the rest of the body.That’s why in both animals and humans, the testicles are located outside the body. Anything that causes a rise in temperature around your testicles can cause low sperm count. Avoid too much time in hot tubs or placing your laptop on your lap.

Other environmental risk factors include industrial chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and solvents. Radiations for X-rays and other sources can also lead to low sperm count.

3. Lifestyle risk factors

A sedentary lifestyle, smoking, vaping, drug use, and excessive alcoholism can all impact your testicular health and cause low sperm production. Emotional issues emanating from chronic stress or depression can affect sperm production.

What are the Best Ways to Boost Sperm Count?

Studies show that lifestyle changes, supplementation, quitting smoking, and staying away from certain medications are some of the best ways to increase sperm count naturally.

In this section we will look at certain lifestyle choices, dietary changes, and natural remedies that can support the hormones responsible for sperm production. These are essential in that they may facilitate healthy sperm production and increase sperm count.

9 Natural Remedies To Improve Sperm Count

Natural Remedies To Improve Sperm Count

1. Keep an eye on your weight

There are adequate studies suggesting that weight loss and regular exercises in people who are obese or overweight can increase and improve sperm count in men. Research indicates that obese or overweight men living sedentary lifestyles who embark on a regular exercise routine show enhanced sperm production as well as motility.

2. Avoid Tobacco Products

It is evident that the use of tobacco products like smoking is directly related to low sperm count.  As if damaging your lungs isn’t enough, smoking can render your efforts of bearing a child futile. Luckily, your sperm count will go back to normal after you drop the habit.

3. Limit Alcohol And Drugs

Numerous studies suggest that excessive consumption of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs lower sperm production. Additionally, both have been associated with loss of libido and sex drive.

4. Avoid certain medications

Certain prescription drugs can alter your body’s ability to produce sperms. Fortunately, your body’ ability to produce sperms will be restored once you stop taking such medications. Examples of prescription drugs that can temporarily lower sperm production include antidepressants, anti-androgens, opiates, anabolic steroids, and some antibiotics.

Note: It is important to consult with a healthcare provider if you suspect that a certain prescription medication you are currently using is affecting your fertility or sperm count.

5. Get adequate Calcium and Vitamin D

Several studies have demonstrated that a decline of calcium and vitamin D levels in the blood can impact sperm health. Increasing the intake of Calcium and Vitamin D is one of the best ways to increase your sperm count.

6. Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants refer to molecules that help in the elimination of free radicals from the body. Free radicals cause harm to cells in the body. Many vitamins and minerals are rich in antioxidants, and thus their regular consumption is a sure way on how to improve sperm count naturally.

Some antioxidant-rich food include fruits like oranges, citrus, grapes, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. 

7. Detox Regularly

We live in a contaminated environment and thus it is important to detoxify regularly through natural means. Studies have shown that men who live in congested or highly industrial areas exhibit low sperm count. Natural detoxification using supplements is one of the best home remedies to improve sperm quality.

8. Manage stress

Stress can deprive you the energy to engage in a sexual encounter with your partner. Studies have shown a close association between stress and erectile dysfunction. In addition, stress is also linked with low sperm motility. Prolonged stress triggers the production of a hormone called cortisol, which can negatively impact testosterone levels.  

You can manage stress and improve sperm count and quality naturally in various ways. They include through meditation, exercise, writing a journal, or by talking with a friend, a family member or a health professional.

9. Choose your Garments Wisely

Underpants that are too tight can increase the temperature of your testicles, which can in turn impair your body’s ability to produce healthy sperms. Always wear loose-fitting underwear to give your testicles enough room and boost your sperm count.

Food to Increase Sperm Count

While the use of supplements can help in attaining your daily requirements of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, they are not easily absorbed in the body.  The best way to ensure that your body is getting enough of these vital components is to consume foods which your body can easily absorb and utilise effectively.

The best way to increase sperm count naturally is by consuming foods that are high in sperm-friendly minerals and nutrients. These include vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, poly-unsaturated fats, and antioxidants.

Examples of these sources include:

  • Low-fat dairy floods

  • Vegetables

  • Fruits (kiwis, strawberries, citrus,)

  • Nuts

  • Whole grains (wheat, rice, corn, oats, beans)

  • Lean meat, such as chicken and fish

How long does it take to improve sperm count?

The question about how many days it takes to improve sperm count is common in most infertility consultation rooms. Unlike in females where regeneration of gametes takes a little longer, sperms can regenerate in as little as 90 days if you adopt the necessary measures.

Consumption of a healthy diet is a crucial step when it comes to how to improve sperm count and quality naturally in a matter of a few months.


There are different and inexpensive ways on how to increase sperm count naturally.

  1. Consume well-balanced diets and avoid processed foods.

  2. Quit smoking if you are a smoker.

  3. Limit your alcohol intake or drink in moderation.

  4. Avoid stress or learn how to manage.

  5. Consume foods rich in antioxidants

  6. Wear loose-fitting underwear.

  7. Avoid polluted

  8. Exercise regularly.

  9. Stay away from illicit drugs.

  10. Use supplements with ways to improve your sperm count.


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