26/10/2023 / Endocrinology & Diabetes

Is Beetroot Good for Diabetes Patients? Let’s Find Out!

Is Beetroot Good for Diabetic Patients? Beetroot is a superfood having many health benefits but is beetroot good for sugar patients? Read to Know.

Is Beetroot Good for Diabetes Patients? Let’s Find Out!
Dr. Mrinalinee RoyDr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
MBBS Doctor, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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Beetroot and Diabetes: What is the Connection?

Around the world, diabetes is a big problem for public health. In Fact, according to a study, it is estimated that 693 million people will have diabetes by 2040, up from the 425 million who did in 2017. Diabetes, which is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, is one of the leading causes of death globally. Additionally, it may increase the risk of consequences like blindness, renal failure, and the requirement for lower limb amputation, all of which lower quality of life. In addition, T2DM patients have demonstrable decreases in cognitive function when compared to others of similar ages and sexes. Numerous factors, such as hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, microangiopathy, and hereditary factors, could contribute to this later consequence. 

The search for all-natural, supplementary methods of managing diabetes is becoming an important task as the globe struggles to contain its rising problem. In this quest, beetroot stands out as an intriguing competitor, challenging traditional ideas of dietary limits and providing a tantalizing look into a world where it just might hold the secret to better health for those with diabetes.

Join us as we explore the science, flavors, and potential diabetes control benefits of beetroot. Discover how this vibrant companion may well be the final piece in the jigsaw of maintaining blood sugar balance and promoting general wellness, from its nutritious prowess to its enticing taste. So let's explore the fascinating world of beetroots.

Beetroot Nutritional Value

Beetroot Nutritional Value

Is Beetroot Good for Diabetes?

While most vegetables are beneficial for diabetics and should always be included in a diabetic meal plan, some root vegetables that are high in natural sugars sometimes get overlooked out of concern that they might induce a blood sugar increase. A classic example of this is beetroot.

A nutrient-dense food, beets are thought to have a number of health benefits, including anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities, anti-carcinogenic and anti-diabetic effects, hepato-protective, hypotensive, and wound healing abilities. 

This jewel-coloured root vegetable, which is frequently referred to as a superfood, has been used for centuries to treat anything from fever to constipation. This raises the question, can this work with diabetes as well? Is beetroot good for diabetes? Despite being high in potassium, folate, and other nutrients that are beneficial for your overall health, research indicates that those with diabetes may benefit the most from beets. 

People with diabetes should exercise caution when eating beets due to their high concentration of sucrose, a monosaccharide that can temporarily increase blood sugar levels. They can achieve this by incorporating beetroots in controlled serving sizes and as a component of an overall dietary intervention that is being closely supervised by a medical practitioner.

Even though beetroots momentarily increase blood sugar levels, they have quite a few benefits against diabetes. Beetroots are found to decrease the risk of complications caused by diabetes. Not just that, it has been found in studies conducted in the past that beetroots help in reducing insulin resistance and also work miraculously in weight loss. These attributes make beetroots a very suitable vegetable for someone suffering from diabetes.

Is beet juice good for diabetics?

So now you know that consuming beetroot for diabetes, in moderation, is actually good. Now the question arises, how can you consume it? Well, it's up to you. Though consuming the vibrant root vegetable raw is a great and easy way as it also provides all the roughage, you can also consume it cooked, as your morning smoothie or even as a glass of juice with your breakfast. 

How to make beetroot juice for Diabetics?

Making beetroot juice at home is a simple and refreshing process. Here's a step-by-step guide:


  • Fresh beetroots (2-3 medium-sized)

  • Water (1 cup)

  • Optional: Lemon juice or ginger for added flavour


  • Wash the beetroots thoroughly to remove any dirt.

  • Peel the beetroots if desired, although the skin is edible and contains additional nutrients.

  • Cut the beetroots into small, manageable pieces. This helps the blender or juicer process them more efficiently.

  • Place the beetroot pieces into the blender or juicer.

  • Add water to facilitate blending or juicing. The amount of water can be adjusted based on your preference for the thickness of the juice.

  • If using a blender, blend the mixture until smooth. For a juicer, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Optional Additions- you can enhance the flavour by adding a splash of fresh lemon juice or a small piece of ginger. Adjust according to your taste preferences.

  • Serve and Enjoy

Also Read: Is Banana Good for Diabetic Patients?

Benefits of Beetroot for Diabetic Patients

Now that we are discussing whether beetroots are good for diabetics, it would be wrong to not discuss its benefits. Beetroots have many health benefits when we talk about their role in managing high blood sugar levels. Though it is true that they are sweet vegetables and thus even if they increase the blood sugar level initially, in the long run, they have quite a few benefits. Here are the benefits as follows: 

Benefits of Beetroot for Diabetic Patients

1. High Fiber Content

Beetroot is a rich source of dietary fiber. Fibers are an essential component for people who are trying to manage diabetes. Fibers play a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates in our body. This causes gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream which helps prevent rapid spikes, contributing to improved glycemic control. 

2. Low Glycemic Index (GI)

With its relatively low glycemic index, beetroot is a favourable option for those who are struggling with uncontrolled high blood sugar levels. The glycemic index measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. Foods with a lower GI are digested more slowly, leading to a more controlled and sustained release of glucose. Including low-GI foods like beetroot can be a strategic choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

3. Nitric Oxide Production

Beetroot contains an important compound, the nitrates. The body converts nitrates into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in vasodilation, the relaxation of blood vessels. For individuals with diabetes, who are at an increased risk of cardiac complications, beetroot's potential to enhance blood flow can be beneficial for heart health.

4. Rich in Antioxidants

The vibrant colour of beetroot comes from the antioxidants like betalains and polyphenols that are present in this root vegetable. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties and help combat oxidative stress, a common concern in diabetics. By neutralizing free radicals, beetroot supports overall health and may contribute to a lower risk of complications associated with diabetes. Thus making beetroot for diabetes a great natural remedy. 

5. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Beetroot is not only a source of fiber and antioxidants but also a rich reservoir of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, potassium, and folate are present in beetroot, each playing unique roles in supporting immune function, maintaining electrolyte balance, and promoting overall well-being.

Who should avoid beetroot?

While beetroot offers numerous health benefits, there are certain people who should exercise caution or consider limiting their intake of this vibrant vegetable.

1. Kidney Stones and Oxalate Sensitivity: People with a history of kidney stones or those with a history of oxalate sensitivity should consume beetroot cautiously. Beetroots contain oxalates, compounds that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible individuals. High oxalate concentrations may increase the risk of crystallization of the compounds in the kidney, which could result in the formation of stones. Before incorporating beetroot in your diet, it is advised to speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have a history of kidney problems.

2. High Blood Sugar and Carbohydrate Concerns: Despite its potential benefits for controlling blood sugar, people with diabetes or those worried about consuming too many carbohydrates should be careful while consuming beetroot. Beetroot still contains carbohydrates despite the fiber content's ability to control glucose absorption. Those who want to control their blood sugar levels effectively must pay attention to portion sizes and include beets as part of a balanced meal. It is advised to seek out individualized guidance from a healthcare professional or a nutritionist.

3. Interference with iron absorption: Beetroot contains antioxidants called polyphenols that may prevent the absorption of non-heme iron (plant-based iron) from other foods consumed during the same meal. While those who consume a well-balanced diet may not be significantly affected by this effect, those who suffer from iron deficiency anaemia or who extensively rely on plant-based iron sources should exercise caution. Any potential interaction with iron absorption can be reduced by separating beetroot consumption from meals high in iron or by getting advice from a healthcare provider.

When to Drink Beetroot Juice to Lower Blood Sugar?

Beetroot juice has become a recognised elixir in the wellness industry thanks to its supposed health advantages. However, when you decide to consume this ruby-red cocktail may just determine whether you can fully realize its potential. If you happen to suffer from diabetes and want to try this popular juice for its benefits, the best time to consume it would be 30 minutes before your meals. The fiber content aids in slowing down carbohydrate absorption, contributing to better blood sugar control—a particularly strategic move for individuals managing diabetes.Consuming beetroot juice before meals might help regulate blood sugar levels. 

However, some people find it useful to drink beetroot juice in the morning. This is because the dawn phenomenon, in which the body releases hormones that raise blood sugar levels in the early morning hours, might cause morning glucose levels to be elevated. Drinking beetroot juice in the morning may help to maintain these levels throughout the day.

What's most important is consistency! Making beetroot juice a regular part of your diet may have more steady impacts on your blood sugar levels than drinking it occasionally. Beetroot juice should be used in moderation, though, as excessive consumption can lead to an increase in calorie and sugar intake.

Take-Home Points

With its rich nutrient profile, potential advantages for controlling blood sugar, and potential advantages for cardiovascular health, beetroot can be a helpful addition to the diet of those with diabetes. However, it's important to approach dietary modifications thoughtfully and seek advice from your doctor to make sure they complement a person's overall diabetes management strategy. Beetroot continues to be a fascinating alternative for people trying to improve their nutritional strategy in the control of diabetes as research in this area progresses.


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