08/01/2024 / Health and Fitness

When to schedule the first pediatrician visit - Things to expect

When should I schedule the first pediatrician visit - Learn when to schedule the baby's first pediatric doctor appointment or visit, and what happens at the first pediatrician appointment.

When to schedule the first pediatrician visit?
Dr. Jilas PaingeeriDr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dental Surgeon, Research Associate
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When should I schedule the first pediatrician visit?

Scheduling your baby’s first appointment with the pediatrician is an important milestone in your child’s life. It’s the first step towards ensuring that your baby gets the best start in life and receives all the necessary health care they need. Generally, the pediatrician or the pediatric doctors will suggest a schedule of checkups for your baby's health and development. 

When should I schedule the first pediatrician visit exactly? The first pediatric doctor appointment should be within a few days after birth, and follow-up visits should occur at two weeks, one month, two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, eighteen months, and two years.

The following are some important guidelines to help you decide when to schedule your baby’s first visit to the pediatrician:

1. Before your baby is born: Many parents choose to find a pediatrician even before their baby is born. This lets parents become more familiar with the office staff, policies, fees, and other important details. It also gives you more time to ask questions and ensures you are comfortable with your chosen doctor.

2. Within the first few days of birth: You should plan to have your baby’s first visit to the pediatrician within the first few days of birth. On the newborn’s first doctor’s visit, the pediatrician will check your baby’s breathing, heart rate, weight, and other important signs of health. This initial visit is typically brief and just includes an examination.

3. Two weeks after birth: At this visit, the doctor will focus more on discussing the infant’s feeding, sleeping, and general care. The doctor may also give the baby their first set of vaccinations, so booking this appointment is very important. The doctor may also discuss any potential nutritional or developmental setbacks you may be facing.

4. Six to eight weeks after birth: This visit focuses on initial growth development, as well as milestones such as rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking. The doctor may also check your baby’s vision and hearing to look for abnormalities requiring further testing or treatment.

By scheduling regular visits with your pediatrician, you’ll ensure your baby gets the best care possible. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you may have about your baby’s health and development. Book your baby’s first appointment with a pediatrician now.

What happens at the first pediatrician appointment?

It is important to know what happens at the first pediatrician appointment. The first pediatrician appointment is an important mark in your child’s life. It is when you meet the pediatrician or the child specialist who will provide medical care and guidance for your little one. During the baby’s first visit to the pediatrician, the doctor will check your child’s physical development and ensure they meet milestones. This appointment typically lasts 30-45 minutes.

What happens at the first pediatrician appointment?

1. On the first pediatric doctor appointment, the doctor will usually start by discussing your child’s medical history, including any conditions or illnesses they may have had. They will also ask questions about any medications they are taking or any other important medical information.

2. The pediatrician or the child specialist will then perform a physical examination of your child. They will check their weight, height, pulse, blood pressure, and heart rate. The doctor will also look for signs of illness or abnormalities, such as rashes, swelling, or other issues. The physical examination includes checking their head for a still-soft fontanel, feeling their bones along the neck and collarbone to check for any breaks or fractures, rolling their hips to look for signs of hip dysplasia, testing their reflexes, checking the femoral pulse, examining their genitalia, and checking on the healing umbilical stump.

3. During the physical exam, the pediatrician may ask questions about your baby's health, feeding, elimination, and sleep habits. They will want to know how often your baby eats. If you have any questions or concerns about how they eat, their digestive system (number of wet diapers per day, pooping frequency, color, and consistency of poop), and their sleeping patterns, you can share them with the pediatrician or the child specialist during these appointments. Additionally, the doctor may go over safe sleep guidelines.

4. Depending on your child’s age, the doctor may also administer vaccines. Vaccines help protect your child from serious illnesses, so staying on top of the recommended schedule is important.

5. The doctor may also discuss developmental milestones and ask questions about how your child is progressing in learning and interacting with others.

6. The pediatrician will also be able to offer advice and tips on how to take care of your child’s specific needs. They can suggest lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments to help your child stay healthy and strong.

At your first pediatric appointment, you should have all your questions ready. Don’t hesitate to ask the child specialist or the doctor any questions or express any concerns you may have about your baby’s health or development. This is the time to get the most out of your visit and ensure your child receives the care they need. Some of the most common questions new parents ask on baby’s first doctor appointment are:

  1. How to know whether the baby has eaten enough?

  2. What should I do if my baby does not drink enough breast milk?

  3. Can I give any supplements to my baby?

  4. What is the safe way to store breast milk for my baby?

  5. How can I help my baby latch onto my breast?

  6. How many naps should my baby take?

  7. What’s the best way to care for sore nipples?

  8. Is it okay if I wake up my baby to feed him?

  9. How many hours a day should my baby sleep?

  10. How can I help my baby stay asleep?

  11. Is it safe for my baby to sleep on their back?

  12. How can I try to avoid sudden infant death syndrome?

  13. When will my baby sleep through the night?

  14. Where should my baby sleep?

Things to bring on your baby’s first pediatric appointment

It's recommended to bring the following items for your baby's first pediatric appointment: the baby's medical records, a list of questions you have for the doctor, the baby's immunization record, any personal items the baby might need (diapers, blanket, pacifier, etc.), and a list of any medications or supplements the baby is using.

Take-Home Points

  • Pediatricians typically recommend a schedule of checkups to ensure your baby's proper growth and development. The first visit should occur within a few days of birth, followed by visits at two weeks, one month, two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, eighteen months, and two years.

  • During the first pediatric appointment, the doctor will review the child's medical history, perform a physical exam, discuss feeding and sleeping habits, administer vaccines if needed, discuss developmental milestones, and offer advice on caring for your child's specific needs. It's important to come prepared with questions or concerns about your child's health or development.


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