03/06/2022 / Health and Fitness

Almond milk: Benefits, use and side effects

Almond Milk - Know the nutritional value, benefits, side effects, and more about this popular and healthy plant-based milk.

Almond milk Benefits, use and side effects
Aastha MahapatraAastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra
M.Pharm, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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What is Almond milk?

Almond is a type of dry fruit with the seed enclosed in a hard fruit encasing. Almond has been beneficial to health and has a significant effect on various life functions. They lower cholesterol and are packed with vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, which helps oxygen and nutrients flow more freely through the blood. Almonds are much more nutritious than almond milk but people are known to love almond milk more over almonds because of the method of consumption and flavor. With this article let’s dive into the world of almond milk. 

Almond milk is a plant-based milk with a nutty flavor and creamy texture that is mainly and is supposed to be manufactured from almonds. Although nowadays many brands tend to flavor the cow’s milk with almond and sell it under the pretense of almond milk. It does not contain lactose or cholesterol and has a very low content of the unsaturated fat. The history books suggest that almond milk mainly originated from mediaeval cook books. The aristocracy was known to observe strict fasting and in order to get proper nutrition by avoiding meat and fish almond milk was the best option. Almond milk was known to replace the meat broth on the fast day and almond milk also helped to avoid cow’s milk on fast days. Although almond milk was an expensive substitute for the cow’s milk. Along with the benefits there are some side effects of almond milk as well. 

The general production of almond milk includes the soaking and grinding of almonds in an excess of water. A milky white liquid is obtained after the filtration of almond flesh/ pulp. An alternative method to prepare almond milk suggests the adding of almond oil or butter to water.  In order to produce commercial scale almond milk, the almond milk is homogenized at high pressure and the pasteurized. The pasteurization of the milk is done in order to increase the shelf life and stability of the milk.  The demand of almond milk has increased to a great extent. After early 2000s the sale of the almond milk has gone up by 79%. This blog will discuss in detail about the benefits of almond milk, uses of almond milk and some side effects produced on consumption of almond milk. 

Nutritional value of almond milk

Almond milk is known to be low in calories as compared to cow’s milk. Almond milk contains only 39 calories per cup.

Nutritional value of almond milk

Almond milk nutrition chart for one cup (240ml) :

  • Calories :39

  • Fat: 3 grams

  • Protein :1 gram

  • Carbs: 3.5 grams

  • Fiber: 0.5 grams

  • Calcium: 24 % of daily value 

  • Potassium: 4 % of daily value

  • Vitamin D: 18% of daily value

  • Vitamin E: 110 % of daily value. 

Benefits of almond milk

Research and studies have proven the benefit of almond milk over time. All the benefits of almond milk are explained along with nutritional value of almonds per 100g. Here we list 10 of the benefits of almond milk:

Benefits of almond milk

Almond milk has a plethora of health promoting nutrients. Consumption of almond milk will boost the nutritional profile of the person consuming it. 

  • In order to maintain the nutritional profile of almond milk some of the manufacturers will add the missing nutrition while production so that the consumers do not miss out on them.

  • Some people use almond milk as an alternative for animal milk therefore some nutrients are added to maintain the nutritional balance of almond milk similar to animal milk. 

  • As per tests and researches almond milk includes: Calories, carbs, fibers, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin D, Vitamin E, protein, fat, potassium, calcium and phosphorous.  

Is almond milk good for weight loss? 

  • Yes, Almond milk helps in management of weight: Plant based drinks help in management of weight as it contains lesser calories as compared to the dairy-based milk products. Weight loss due to almond milk can be explained by this assertion.

  • Homemade almond milk has a better nutrient content than the commercialized almond milk.

Low carbohydrate content.

  • Unsweetened variety of almond milk have naturally low carbohydrate content. 

  • Sweetened and commercialized almond milk has higher carbohydrate content.

  • Low carbohydrate almond milk helps in earlier management of blood sugar levels.

It is a good source of vitamin E. 

  • It is a good source of antioxidant that may combat inflammations and bodily stress. 

  • Vitamin E also helps in the protection from heart diseases and cancer.

Has the required content of vitamin D?          

  • Yes, the required content to maintain the amount of vitamin D is present in almond milk.

  • Vitamin D is an important nutrient on the health aspect as it helps with heart function, bone strength and immune function.

  • A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to the risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, muscle weakness and fertility issues.

It is a good source of calcium. People use almond milk as a replacement of dairy products therefore presence of a good amount of calcium is mandatory.

Naturally lactose free: It can be a great alternative for people who are lactose intolerant.

Dairy free and Vegan: It is a plant-based milk which makes it naturally dairy free and vegan friendly. However, it is not a safe option for nut allergies

It is enriched with a low amount of phosphorous with a small to moderate amount of potassium. This much intake of these nutrition is necessary for humans. 

There are numerous benefits of almond milk for skin. Almond milk is essential for a healthy and glowing skin. 

What are the benefits of almond oil in milk?

Adding almond oil in milk is a good way of getting a glowing skin. Almond oil is laden with vitamin E, which contributes to better skin elasticity as well as protects the skin from the harmful elements of sun exposure.

How to make almond milk at home and Recipes using Almond Milk

The easiest way to consume almond milk is to eat it with cereals and porridge. Almond milk can be consumed with morning smoothie.

Method to make almond milk:

  • Place almonds in a bowl and pour in enough water to cover; soak at least 12 hours. Drain water.

  • Blend almonds and 3 cups water in a blender on low speed for 10 seconds. Turn blender off for 5 seconds. Blend almonds and water on high speed for 60 seconds. Pour mixture through cheesecloth or a nut bag into a bowl. Discard the pulp or save for another use.

  • Clean the blender and return milk to blender; add agave nectar and salt. Blend milk until smooth.

Uses of Almond milk

Uses of Almond milk

There are various methods to use almond milk. The main motive of all the suggested methods is to include almond milk in your methods of consumption so that almond milk can be beneficial to health.

  • Direct drinking and consumption of almond milk.

  • Preparation of smoothies and dishes like kesar, Badam using almond milk.

  • Using almond milk as the supplement of dairy and milk products during cooking.

  • It can be used for the preparation of overnight oats and porridge

  • It can be used to replace the creams in cream-based soups.

  • It is used as a non-dairy creamer for coffee.

Side effects of drinking almond milk

Side effects of drinking almond milk
  • Consumption of excessive almonds can cause digestive issue. It can sometimes get mixed with medications and cause gastrointestinal issues in people. These are some side effects of almond milk.  

  • Almond milk is naturally not advisable to people with nut allergies. 

  • Sweetened almond milk has more sugar content than the cow’s milk this is an obvious disadvantage.

  • Almond milk is a goiter genic food and has a huge effect on thyroid.

  • Almond milk does not contain the right amount of nutrition for infants. Therefore, it cannot be a substitute for breast milk or formula. 

Take home points 

  • Almond milk is an excellent substitute of dairy milk.

  • It  is known to be very healthy and nutritious.

  • It can be easily prepared at home and is widely available. 


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