28/07/2023 / Heart & Vascular

10 Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure (High BP) Patients

Discover the 10 best exercises for High Blood pressure. Also, know the Best time for exercise to lower High Blood Pressure.

10 Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure Patients
Mohammad AqdusMohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus
Medical Student, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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Discover the best exercises for High Blood pressure, a condition that can significantly impact our overall well-being. 

According to research, engaging in physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on hypertension. To effectively address this health concern incorporate a range of workouts into your routine. 

From activities like walking and the energising effects of exercises to the strengthening benefits of yoga and resistance training, there are options suitable for everyone. 

Consider exploring activities such as swimming, and cycling to combat hypertension. We’ll also cover what exercises should be avoided with high blood pressure. It's always important to consult with your doctor before embarking on any exercise plan.

10 Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure Patients

Managing blood pressure is essential, for maintaining health and incorporating exercise into your routine can have a significant impact on controlling this condition. Below you'll find a list of the 10 best exercises for High Blood pressure;

10 Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure

1. Take a walk

This yet effective exercise promotes better circulation and heart health.

2. Engage in workouts

Activities like jogging, swimming or cycling can enhance heart function. Lower blood pressure levels.

3. Incorporate strength training

Building muscle not only supports your system but also improves blood flow throughout your body.

4. Practice yoga and relaxation techniques

By reducing stress levels with yoga and relaxation exercises you can contribute to lowering blood pressure.

5. Enjoy swimming

This low-impact workout offers a body workout while promoting heart health.

6. Go for a bike ride

Cycling provides a workout while being gentle on your joints.

7. Try Pilates

Strengthening your core muscles and improving flexibility through Pilates can greatly support your well-being.

8. Hiking

You can improve your level of fitness by using the physical force required to climb a mountain, a hill, or a road with an incline. Hiking, for example, can drop blood pressure by up to 10 points.

9. Explore Tai Chi

Gentle movements combined with breathing techniques in Tai Chi can aid in relaxation. Help lower blood pressure

10. Get grooving with dancing

Dancing is not an activity but also beneficial, for maintaining a healthy heart. It offers a fun and active way to stay fit while also helping to manage blood pressure.

What exercises should be avoided with high blood pressure?

When it comes to managing blood pressure exercise is usually helpful. However, some activities may not be suitable, for everyone especially if you have hypertension. It's important to avoid exercises that could potentially raise your blood pressure levels. Here are some activities you should stay away from;

What exercises should be avoided with high blood pressure

1. Heavy Weightlifting

Lifting weights can cause a temporary spike in blood pressure, which can be risky for individuals with hypertension.

2. Isometric Exercises

These exercises involve holding muscles in a fixed position without movement, which can significantly increase blood pressure.

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

While HIIT can have benefits for some people with hypertension it's important to approach it with caution because the intense bursts of activity can cause blood pressure to surge.

4. Competitive Sports

Engaging in sports without proper conditioning and monitoring can pose risks for individuals, with high blood pressure.

5. Valsalva Maneuver

This breathing technique, commonly used during weightlifting or resistance training has the potential to dangerously increase blood pressure levels.

Dangers of exercising with high blood pressure

It is generally advised to engage in exercise, for managing high blood pressure. However, it is crucial to be mindful of risks and dangers particularly when certain precautions are overlooked. While exercise can provide benefits, engaging in intense workouts could pose hazards for individuals with hypertension. It is essential to strike a balance and take measures to avoid the following dangers;

1. Sudden Spikes in Blood Pressure

Certain exercises such as weightlifting or intense high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can cause unsafe increases in blood pressure placing additional strain on the heart.

2. Increased Risk of Events

Participating in activities without proper conditioning or medical supervision may heighten the chances of experiencing heart attacks or strokes.

3. Injuries and Falls

Dizziness or loss of balance resulting from blood pressure during exercise can raise the likelihood of falls and injuries.

4. Valsalva Maneuver

Holding your breath while lifting weights or performing workouts can lead to a surge in blood pressure.

5. Dehydration

Failing to maintain hydration during exercise can impact blood pressure levels and overall cardiovascular health.

Best time to exercise for High Blood Pressure

Determining the time to engage in activity when you have high blood pressure can optimise the benefits of your workouts and aid in effectively managing your condition. While we have discussed exercises for High Blood pressure, certain periods of the day may offer perks for individuals with hypertension. Take into account the following factors when organising your exercise routine;

Benefits of Morning Exercise

  • Blood Pressure Control; Engaging in activity during the morning hours can assist in regulating blood pressure throughout the day potentially reducing the risk of spikes.

  • Enhanced Energy; Initiating your day with exercise can elevate energy levels and foster increased productivity.

  • Establishing a Routine; Consistently incorporating morning workouts into your schedule can help establish an exercise regimen.

Benefits of Evening Exercise

  • Stress Alleviation; Participating in evening exercise can alleviate accumulated stress and tension from the day potentially contributing to improved management of blood pressure. 

Other natural ways to lower High Blood pressure

Apart from exercises for High Blood pressure, there are natural methods that can aid in reducing high blood pressure. When combined with exercise these approaches can enhance the management of hypertension. Take a look at the following strategies to complement your efforts;

  1. Healthy Eating Habits: Embracing the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat dairy products has proven effective in lowering blood pressure. Limiting your consumption of sodium (salt) can have an impact on maintaining blood pressure levels.

  2. Stress Management: Incorporating meditation or mindfulness practices into your routine can aid in stress reduction. Engaging in breathing exercises promotes relaxation. Can help lower blood pressure.

  3. Weight Control: By following a balanced diet and engaging in exercise you can positively influence your blood pressure levels.

  4. Moderating Alcohol Consumption and Quitting Smoking: Limiting alcohol consumption is important for managing hypertension. Reducing the amount of alcohol you consume can be beneficial, in managing blood pressure as excessive alcohol intake has the potential to raise blood pressure levels. 

  5. Sufficient Sleep: Ensuring that you get to sleep each night is essential in controlling blood pressure effectively.

  6. Foods Rich in Potassium: Including bananas, spinach and beans in your diet can help regulate blood pressure due to their potassium content.

  7. Adequate Magnesium Intake: Nuts, seeds and leafy greens are examples of magnesium foods that contribute to managing blood pressure levels 

  8. Moderate Dark Chocolate Consumption: Consuming dark chocolate in moderation has been associated with effects on blood pressure control.

When to See a Doctor

Although incorporating exercise and natural remedies can be helpful, in managing blood pressure it's important to understand when seeking attention becomes necessary. Regular visits to your healthcare provider are vital for monitoring your condition. Some circumstances require immediate consultation. Take note of the following factors as signs that you should see a doctor;

  • Sudden and Severe Blood Pressure Spikes

  • Persistent High Blood Pressure

  • Uncontrolled Symptoms

  • Side Effects of Medications

  • Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure

Take-Home Points

  • Engaging in activities, like walking, swimming and cycling are some of the best exercises for High Blood pressure which can be beneficial in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

  • It is advisable to steer off engaging in activities such as weightlifting, isometric exercises and intense high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts if you have hypertension.

  • It's always an idea to consult with your doctor before starting any exercises for High Blood pressure, especially if you have high blood pressure.

  • Exercises for High Blood pressure done in the morning can help maintain a blood pressure level throughout the day.

  • Regular physical activity in the evening has been shown to have effects on reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality, which in turn can contribute to maintaining a heart.

  • To enhance the benefits of exercise it's important to combine it with an eating plan, like the DASH diet while also being mindful of your sodium intake.

  • Try incorporating stress reduction methods into your routine, such as practising meditation and engaging in breathing exercises.

  • To keep your blood pressure under control it's important to maintain weight and moderate your alcohol intake.

  • Make sure to prioritise getting sleep and incorporate foods that are rich in potassium and magnesium into your diet.


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