05/12/2023 / Health and Fitness

Fertility Foods for Men to Increase Sperm Count

Uncover the impact that nutrition has on fertility! Delve into a variety of fertility foods for men, advice and recipes that can bolster sperm health and increase the likelihood of conceiving.

Fertility foods for Men to Increase Sperm Count
Mohammad AqdusMohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus
Medical Student, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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Always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider when it comes to starting a family it's important to understand how the food we eat can impact fertility. Scientific research has revealed that the fertility diet for men plays a role in sperm health and quality.

Studies showed that maintaining fertility foods for men can affect sperm quality. Similarly many studies have highlighted the importance of nutrients for fertility.

In this blog post, we will delve into fertility foods for men. We'll provide you with insights and practical tips supported by scientific sources. Let's embark on this journey together as we explore how food can boost fertility!

Male Fertility and Healthy Diet

When it comes to fertility foods for men, what you eat becomes important. Extensive scientific research, including studies published in the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, consistently highlights the impact of diet on reproductive health. Here's how it all breaks down;

  • Nourishing Foods to Boost Sperm Health: Nutrients like vitamins C and E which act as antioxidants are crucial in safeguarding sperm from damage. Zinc, abundantly found in foods like nuts and seeds is closely linked to both sperm production and quality. Omega 3 fatty acids, present in fish, help maintain the integrity of sperm cell membranes and can be good fertility foods for men

  • Processed Foods and Their Detrimental Effects on Sperm: Diets in processed foods saturated fats and sugar have been associated with sperm quality. Trans fats commonly found in packaged foods can negatively impact sperm motility. Hence one should not include in fertility foods for men.

  • A Well-Balanced Diet for a Promising Fertility Future: Consuming a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats supports health and fertility. Ensuring you receive an amount of micronutrients can be key to maintaining optimal sperm condition.

  • The Impact of Fiber on Fertility: Consuming foods that are rich in fibre, such as legumes and whole grains can have an effect on blood sugar regulation potentially leading to improvements in sperm quality.

Role of a healthy diet to increase male fertility

The link between maintaining a diet and male fertility is incredibly significant in assembling the pieces of a puzzle to create life. It's not about the food you consume; it's about how your choices shape your ability to conceive. Here's why adopting a diet can make all the difference;

  • Direct impact on Sperm Health: Sperm those tiny swimmers responsible for fertilisation are vital. Consuming a nutrient diet can directly impact both the quality and quantity of sperm.

  • Reduces Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: Poor dietary decisions may lead to inflammation and oxidative stress within your body. These conditions have the potential to negatively impact sperm DNA, motility and overall functionality.

  • Diet Helps in Maintaining Hormonal Balance: Hormones play a role in fertility. What you eat can influence their levels. Ensuring hormonal balance is crucial when it comes to health.

  • Weight Management and Fertility: Your diet has an impact on body weight. Being either overweight or underweight can affect fertility. By following an eating plan you can. Sustain an optimal weight that positively influences fertility. 

  • Maintaining Gut Health and Enhancing Nutrient Absorption: Having a balanced diet promotes the health of your gut, which in turn helps with the absorption of nutrients. Ensuring proper absorption is crucial, for providing your body with the nutrients to support function.

Dos and Don'ts of a male fertility diet

Planning to enhance fertility through modifications? That's great! However, like any journey, it's crucial to navigate the path. Let’s look at foods for a male fertility diet, the Dos and Donts of a male fertility diet;

Dos and Don'ts of a Male Fertility Diet


  1. Embrace a Well-Balanced Diet: Opt for a diet that includes an abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. This not only promotes health but also supports fertility.

  2. Prioritise Foods Rich in Nutrients: Antioxidant foods such as berries and nuts into your meals to shield sperm from potential damage.

  3. Ensure Adequate Zinc Intake: Including zinc foods like oysters, beans and seeds in your diet can have an impact on sperm production and quality.

  4. Include Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Boost your intake of omega 3 fatty acids by consuming fatty fish, flaxseeds and walnuts. These essential nutrients help maintain the integrity of sperm cells.

  5. Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself adequately hydrated as it ensures that semen maintains the consistency for sperm movement.

  6. Consume Fiber-Rich Foods: Increase your consumption of fibre from sources like beans and whole grains as it aids in regulating blood sugar levels—a factor for fertility.


  1. Avoid Excessive Consumption of Processed Foods: Diets that include an amount of processed foods, saturated fats and sugars have been linked to quality sperm.

  2. Steer Clear of Trans Fats: Trans fats, which are commonly found in packaged foods, can have an impact on the movement of sperm.

  3. Don't Drink Alcohol Excessively: While moderate alcohol consumption may not pose issues, excessive drinking can have effects on fertility.

  4. Be Mindful of Caffeine Intake: Consuming high amounts of caffeine has been associated with reduced sperm quality so it's important to moderate your intake.

Foods to eat for male fertility

Boosting fertility through your diet is not only delicious but also supported by scientific research. Let's explore 15 foods to eat for male fertility and understand how they can make an impact on sperm health;

Foods to eat for male fertility
  • Eggs: Eggs are rich in B vitamins, which play a role in supporting sperm production.

  • Oranges: Oranges are packed with vitamin C, which acts as a shield for sperm against damage.

  • Almonds: Almonds contain vitamin E, known for enhancing the quality of sperm. Hence can be included in foods to eat for male fertility.

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that may improve the motility of sperm.

  • Carrots: Carrots are a source of carotenoids, which promote sperm health and vitality.

  • Chicken: Chicken is a protein option that supports function and contributes to overall fertility.

  • Broccoli: Broccoli contains folate, a nutrient that has been linked to DNA quality in sperm.

  • Salmon: Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which provide support for the health of sperm cell membranes.

  • Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are abundant in beta carotene, a nutrient that contributes to sperm health.

  • Walnuts: Walnuts offer the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants providing protection and support, for sperm.

  • Honey: Honey may possess antioxidant properties that could be beneficial for fertility.

  • Spinach: The presence of folate in spinach has the potential to enhance sperm production.

  • Low-Fat Dairy: Calcium and vitamin D found in dairy products are important for sperm motility.

  • Corn: Corn contains lutein and zeaxanthin which can potentially support sperm quality.

  • Strawberries: Strawberries being rich in antioxidants offer protection to sperm by preventing damage. Hence these foods can be included in healthy diet plans to increase male fertility

Foods to avoid for male fertility

While certain types of food have the potential to enhance fertility others may harm sperm health. Here we present a list of 15 foods to avoid for male fertility along with an explanation of how they could harm male fertility;

Foods to avoid for male fertility
  • French Fries and Potato Chips: These popular snacks are often cooked in oils that are not beneficial for your health and contain trans fats, which can adversely affect the quality of sperm.

  • Sugary Sodas: Consuming high amounts of sugar through sodas has been associated with sperm motility and an increased likelihood of experiencing fertility-related problems.

  • Processed Meats: Preservatives found in sausages, bacon and hot dogs can potentially damage sperm DNA.

  • High Sugar Desserts: Foods like cakes and pastries that contain levels of sugar can lead to inflammation. It harms sperm health.

  • Fast Food Burgers: Fast food burgers tend to be rich in fats and often high in calories. Regular consumption may contribute to weight gain, which is known to be linked to fertility issues.

  • Doughnuts: Doughnuts are packed with both trans fats and added sugars making them a double threat when it comes to fertility concerns.

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Heavy alcohol consumption has been shown to decrease testosterone levels and reduce sperm production. This can ultimately impact fertility adversely.

  • Candy: Consuming candies, with high sugar content can potentially impact the functioning of hormones by causing insulin resistance.

  • Energy Drinks with High Caffeine: Having too much caffeine from energy drinks can have effects on sperm quality and motility.  These are all the foods to avoid for male fertility. 

Important Nutrients for men’s fertility

When it comes to fertility, ensuring that you consume the right nutrients is crucial, like building a strong foundation. These ten essential nutrients have roles in supporting sperm health. Here's a list of food to include in a male fertility diet plan: 

  • Folate: It supports and promotes sperm production while potentially improving the quality of sperm DNA.

  • Vitamin C: Acting as an antioxidant it protects sperm from damage.

  • Zinc: It is essential for the development of sperm and maintaining their health.

  • Vitamin E: By safeguarding sperm cell membranes from damage it enhances their quality.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: They play a role in promoting the structure and function of sperm cell membranes.

  • Fiber: Regulating blood sugar levels effectively can have an impact on fertility.

  • Selenium: As an antioxidant, it has the potential to enhance sperm motility and reduce DNA damage.

  • L Carnitine: This amino acid plays a part in both the metabolism and motility of sperm.

  • Lycopene: Found abundantly in tomatoes lycopene may be beneficial in improving sperm motility.

  • Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is known for its properties, which have been found to improve the movement of sperm and overall fertility. These properties make them the perfect choice to include in the fertility diet chart for men.

Supplements for male fertility

Sometimes relying on our diets may not provide all the nutrients for optimal male fertility. In some situations, supplements can play a role in bridging the gap and promoting health. Let's take a look at six Supplements for male fertility and how they can lend support;

  • Folate (Folic Acid): Assists in sperm production and may potentially enhance the quality of sperm DNA.

  • Zinc: Vital for sperm development. Maintaining high-quality sperm.

  • Ashwagandha: A supplement that has been associated with improvements in sperm count and motility.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Contribute to the integrity of sperm cell membranes thereby supporting their functioning.

  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): An antioxidant that has shown promise in enhancing sperm motility and overall fertility.

  • Lycopene; Found naturally in tomatoes or available as a supplement lycopene may have effects on sperm motility.

Lifestyle improvements for male fertility

Improving fertility extends beyond focusing on diet and supplements; it involves adopting positive lifestyle changes that can have a significant impact. Here are some effective Lifestyle improvements for male fertility you can consider;

  • Maintain a Healthy Body Weight: Being either obese or significantly underweight can have effects on fertility. Aim for a weight range.

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking negatively affects both the quality and quantity of sperm. Quitting is a step towards improving the health of your sperm.

  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can decrease testosterone levels. Potentially harm fertility. Moderation is key to maintaining health.

  • Prioritise Quality Sleep: Getting sufficient restful sleep supports hormone regulation, which is vital for health.

  • Manage Stress Levels: High stress levels can disrupt hormone balance and impact fertility. Engaging in practices like yoga or meditation can be beneficial in managing stress.

  • Incorporate Regular Exercise: Moderate physical activity has been shown to boost fertility levels. Strive to engage in 150 minutes of exercise per week.

  • Address any Existing Health Conditions: Health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension can affect fertility. Seek treatment and management for these conditions.

  • Ensure Adequate Vitamin D Levels: Sufficient vitamin D levels have been linked to sperm production. It's beneficial to enjoy the outdoors or if necessary consider taking supplements.

  • Minimize Contact, with Environmental Toxins: Decrease your exposure to substances in your surroundings, like pesticides and pollutants.

  • Prevent Excessive Heat: It's important to avoid subjecting the testicles to heat whether it be from baths or placing laptops on the lap as it can negatively affect sperm production. Opt for alternatives instead.

Tips to Increase your testosterone levels

Maintaining levels of testosterone is crucial, for well-being, including fertility. Here are ten practical suggestions to naturally enhance your testosterone levels;

Tips to Increase your testosterone levels
  • Adopt a Balanced Diet: Make sure your meals consist of a variety of foods, such as vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.

  • Engage in Strength Training: Regularly participating in resistance exercises like weight lifting can stimulate the production of testosterone.

  • Get Sufficient Sunlight Exposure: Spending time in sunlight helps your body generate vitamin D, which plays a role in maintaining testosterone levels.

  • Incorporate Regular Exercise: Including cardiovascular activities like cycling or jogging in your routine can contribute to equilibrium.

  • Prioritize Quality Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep, per night to promote testosterone production.

  • Manage Stress Levels: Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels, which may inhibit testosterone. Consider implementing stress-reducing techniques.

  • Practice Yoga or Meditation: Engaging in yoga or meditation practices can aid in stress reduction. Support balance.

  • Consume Alcohol Moderately: Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to testosterone levels. It's advisable to limit alcohol intake.

  • Stop Smoking; Smoking has been linked to decreased levels of testosterone. Quitting can have an impact on your well-being.

  • Explore Natural Supplements; Some herbs and supplements such as ashwagandha and fenugreek have been suggested to boost testosterone levels.

Take-Home Points

  1. Ensuring a balanced diet that's rich in essential nutrients is crucial for maintaining male fertility.

  2. It is advisable to steer clear of processed foods, excessive sugar intake and trans fats to safeguard the quality of sperm.

  3. Limiting the consumption of alcohol and caffeine can contribute to outcomes when it comes to fertility.

  4. Adequate hydration plays a role in maintaining the consistency of semen, which supports sperm movement.

  5. Folate is known to promote the production of sperm and enhance DNA quality. Hence can be a good choice in fertility foods for men.

  6. Protecting sperm from damage can be achieved by incorporating this antioxidant commonly found in fruits like oranges into your diet.

  7. Taking care of your health by maintaining a weight, quitting smoking and managing stress levels can significantly boost fertility.

  8. Engaging in activity regularly can have positive effects on reproductive health as a whole.

  9. Sunlight exposure or vitamin D supplements are beneficial for maintaining testosterone levels.

  10. While considering supplements such, as zinc, omega 3s and CoQ10 may be beneficial it is


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