23/06/2022 / Health and Fitness

What is Protein - Why our body needs protein?

Protein is an essential part of our daily diet. It is mainly required to build the muscle mass of the body and increase the metabolism.

What is Protein-Why our body needs protein
Aastha MahapatraAastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra
M.Pharm, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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Proteins are large biomolecules or macromolecules which is mainly consumed to improve the muscle mass of the body. Proteins are made up of a group of amino acids and they are used to perform variety of functions in the human body like DNA replication, catalyzing metabolic actions, responding to stimuli and helps in transporting molecules. It is a very significant part of our daily diet. Consumption of a protein rich diet is an essential part of our being. This article will discuss in detail about the importance of protein, different types of protein and how to get sufficient protein. 

Different types of protein rich food

In order to know the significance of protein we need to know the types of food via which protein is consumed. The different types of protein rich foods are:

Different types of protein rich food
  • Egg: It is one of the most nutritious foods. It is a blend of all kind of nutrients. Egg white (albumin) is a pure source of protein. One large egg provides 6.3 grams of protein.

  • Almonds: It is a high plant-based protein entity. It is a source of other nutrients as well but is the main source of protein. One ounce of almond provides 6 grams of protein. 

  • Milk: Milk is the significant source of protein especially the casein protein. One glass of milk is known to provide 8.36 grams of protein. 

  • Chicken breast: In order to increase their protein intake in most cases chicken breast is consumed. It has been established that one half of the chicken breast provides 26.8 grams of protein. 

  • Some protein rich Indian food are: 

  • Lentils: These is another plant-based protein product which can be consumed. It is an excellent choice for vegetarian or vegan diet. It is known that 100 grams of lentils have 9.32 grams of protein. 

  • Other Indian foods rich in protein are: chickpea, green pea, paneer, rajma, channa and matar. 

Why does our body need protein?

  • It reduces appetite and hunger levels: Protein is known to reduce the secretion of hunger hormone ghrelin. This can be helpful in losing the unwanted belly fat. 

  • Boost metabolism and increase fat burning: Consumption of sufficient protein can lead to increase the metabolic rate of the body.This helps in burning a good number of calories all through the day.  

Why does our body need protein
  • Increase muscle mass and strength: Protein is known to be the building block of muscle. Eating sufficient protein can lead to building of good muscle mass and all over body strength.

  • Good for your bones: It has been established that eating good amount of sufficient animal protein can lead to maintain good bone body mass and prevent easy fractures ad osteoporosis.

  • Helps maintain weight loss: As a high protein diet boosts metabolism it leads to automatic reduction of cravings andcalorie intake.This also accounts for intentional fat loss as less fat is consumed and there is more protein consumption.  

  • Does not harm healthy kidney: A good protein diet does not harm an individual with healthy kidneys. A person with damaged kidneys will get effected with slightly high protein intake but with healthy kidneys it is manageable. 

  • Helps the body to repair after injuries: Healthy protein is considered as the building block of tissue and muscle mass.Protein consumption can help the body repair when it is injured. It also helps in speeding up the recovery process. 

  • Helps to stay fit according to the age: Benefits of adding protein to the diet are a lot one of them being staying young.It is one of the best ways to reduce age related muscle deformation. It reduces the amount of muscle loss while ageing. 

  • Lowers the blood pressure:  It is the major cause of stroke, heart attacks and chronic kidney diseases. A good amount or a higher protein intake is known to lower the blood pressure or keep it in check. 

Also Read: Benefits of Whey Protein, Uses and Side Effects

How much protein do you need?

The right amount of protein consumption should be known in order maintain a good health. Based on different stages of human life an estimate of the amount pf protein required is given as follows:

How much protein do you need

Babies and Children

  • 0-6 Months – 9.1 gram 

  • 6-12 Months -11 gram

  • 1-3 years- 13 gram

  • 4-8 years- 19 gram 


  • 9-13 years – 34 grams

  • 14-18 years- 52 gram

  • 19-70 years-58 grams 


  • 9-13 years – 34 grams

  • 14-70 years – 46 grams

  • Pregnant woman (any age): 71 grams

Also Read: Symptoms of Protein deficiency You Shouldn't Ignore

Take-home Points 

Protein is important for increasing body metabolism and building the muscle mass of the body. The right amount of protein consumption is important. 

FAQ on what is protein

1. What are the types of protein foods?

Ans. There the two main types of protein food: Plant based protein and animal based protein. 

2. What food has most protein?

Ans. Foods which contain the maximum protein are meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes, and soy products. 

3. What happens if you eat too much protein?

Ans. The excess of protein consumed is usually stored as fat, while the surplus of amino acids is excreted.

4. What is the main role of protein?

Ans. The main role of protein is that it helps repair and build your body's tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates bodily functions.

5. What are proteins made of?

Ans. Proteins are made up of amino acids. 

6. Are all proteins the same?

Ans. All the proteins are different from each other based on the difference in the arrangements of amino acid. 

7. How many proteins are found in the human body?

Ans. It is not an exact estimate but one gene = one protein,” there should be at least ~20,000 nonmodified (canonical) human proteins

8. How long does protein stay in your body?

Ans. Protein stays in our body for 4-5 hours. 


FAQ on what is protein

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