31/07/2022 / Digestive Disease & Gastroenterology

17 Home remedies for anal fissures

Discover effective home remedies to relieve pain in the anus hole caused by anal fissures. Try these 17 anal fissure treatment at home.

17 Home Remedies For Anal Fissure
Aastha MahapatraAastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra
M.Pharm, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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A small rip in the mucosa, a delicate, moist tissue that lines the anus, is known as an anal fissure. When you pass large or hard stools during a bowel movement, an anal fissure may develop. Anal fissures frequently result in discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements. Anal fissures can affect persons of any age, but they are most frequent in early infants. Most anal fissures improve with straightforward therapies like sitz baths or increased fibre consumption. Anal fissure sufferers sometimes require medication or surgery. This article focuses of home remedies required to cure anal fissures. Home remedies and natural without much side effects and can are easily available as well. This article gives a detailed outline of anal fissure along with the causes, symptoms and side effects.

What is an anal fissure?

A small rip in the mucosa, a delicate, moist tissue that lines the anus, is known as an anal fissure. When you pass large or hard stools during a bowel movement, an anal fissure may develop. Anal fissures frequently result in discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements.

Symptoms of anal fissure

A person suffering from anal fissures can be identified from the symptoms exhibited by the person. These symptoms of anal fissures are as follows: 

Symptoms of anal fissure
  • Occasionally severe discomfort during bowel motions. 

  • After-bowel movement discomfort that may continue for several hours.

  • After a bowel movement, bright crimson blood might be seen on the toilet paper or stool.

  • a skin break that is clearly apparent around the anus.

  • Skin tag is a tiny lump on the skin next to the anal fissure.

Causes of anal fissure

These symptoms exhibited are caused by certain underlying conditions which can be termed as the causes of anal fissures. These causes are as follows: 

Causes of anal fissure
  • Anal fissures frequently result from:

  • Passing a lot of or tough stools

  • Straining and being constipated during bowel movements

  • Persistent diarrhoea

  • Anal liaisons

  • Childbirth

  • Anal fissures have less typical causes, such as:

  • Another inflammatory bowel illness, such as Crohn's disease

  • Throat cancer

  • HIV \tuberculosis

  • Syphilis

Pain in Anus Hole Home Remedies

1. Sitz Baths

You might get relief from anal fissure-related pain and discomfort in a warm sitz bath. The easiest Indian home treatment for anal fissures is to fill a bathtub with warm water, add a few drops of betadine liquid, and thoroughly mix it all together. Spend 10 to 20 minutes in the tub sitting up straight.

2. Olive Oil

Rich in natural laxatives, olive oil facilitates easy stool passage. Olive oil, honey, and beeswax are a natural cure for treating anal fissures that cause pain, bleeding, and itching. Beeswax should totally melt after being heated in a basin with equal parts olive oil, honey, and beeswax. Apply the mixture to the affected region after allowing it to cool. It works best when done several times daily.

Pain in Anus Hole Home Remedies

3. Aloe Vera

Due to its ability to reduce pain, aloe vera can treat anal fissures and alleviate their symptoms. A topical ointment containing aloe vera juice can effectively treat chronic anal fissures, according to clinical trials. Remove the aloe vera from the plant, slice it, and use a spoon to scoop out the gel. For best benefits, apply this aloe vera gel to the affected region a few times each day.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Anal fissures might get worse due to constipation and straining during bowel movements. Because it contains pectin, a water-soluble fibre that aids in digestion and encourages bowel movements, apple cider vinegar can be used to treat constipation. In a glass of water, combine one to two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey. Drink it twice daily to get relief from the anal fissures issue.

5. Coconut oil

Anal fissures can be naturally treated with coconut oil. This is due to the medium-chain triglycerides it contains, which easily pass-through skin and keep the afflicted area moisturised. For the treatment and healing of anal fissures, massage coconut oil against the anal sphincter several times each day. Avoid junk food

6. Eat high water containing fruits

Natural fruits like watermelon have a good content of water which is important in case of anal fissure. More water can also help you feel less uncomfortable as you pass stools. Softer stools solve the issue of straining during bowel movements and aid in anal fissure repair.

7. Dietary Fibre

Fibre promotes regular bowel movements, which lessens the discomfort caused by anal fissures. Regular fibre consumption encourages softer stools, reducing the need for straining during bowel movements. This lessens the likelihood that the anus lining may sustain injury.

8. Fibre Supplements

Sometimes these fibres are also available as supplements. This helps in regular fibre consumption even if the food didn’t contain enough fibre. Regular fibre consumption encourages softer stools, reducing the need for straining during bowel movements. This lessens the likelihood that the anus lining may sustain injury.

9. Stool Softeners

Some patients take stool softeners and laxatives in an effort to alleviate the discomfort that comes with anal fissures, which make bowel motions uncomfortable. However, diarrhoea brought on by excessive laxative use may make recovery even more difficult.

10. Drinking More Water

Drinking plenty of water facilitates bowel movement and eases digestion. More water can also help you feel less uncomfortable as you pass stools. Softer stools solve the issue of straining during bowel movements and aid in anal fissure repair.

11. Caring for Perianal Skin

If we make the caring for perineal skin a part of our daily regimen then this will help with anal fissure. This will not let it worsen and will also prevent the reoccurrence. 

12. Exercise

Regular exercise is a practical self-help strategy for controlling constipation and, consequently, anal fissures. By going for a stroll or a run, you can increase your level of physical activity. Aim for 150 minutes or more of physical activity per week.

13. Petroleum gel

Petroleum jelly is widely available and useful for a variety of things. You could, for instance, rub petroleum jelly all over the anal area. Petroleum jelly use will aid in skin calming.  You can use it whenever you need to, multiple times every day.

14. Lifestyle Changes

Some of the lifestyle changes which can be made in order to avoid fissures are wearing loose under clothes, regular exercising and eating healthy fibrous food. 

15. Washroom hygiene

It is a must lifestyle change which needs to be incorporated in order to avoid anal fissures. This can be done by keeping the washroom clean and tidy. Also helps other external infections that can complicate the anal fissure. 

16. Avoid straining during bowel movement

In order to avoid anal fissures extra staining during the bowel movement should be avoided. This will not lead to tearing to skin and prevent the occurrence of anal fissure. 

17. Avoid junk food

Junk food needs to be avoided as it has very low fibre content and my cause unwanted constipation leading to anal fissures. They are also not nutritious and mostly do unwanted harm for the body.

Are there any side effects of anal fissure treatment at home?

Home remedies do not have much side effects however anything in excess can be harmful. Like over sue of laxatives can cause diarrhoea. Therefore, take caution while doing the remedies. When things are not improving with home remedies then please visit a doctor.

When to Seek Medical Help for Pain in Anus Hole

When the causes and symptoms are prevalent the patient can start taking precautions and use the home remedies. But in some severe cases even home remedies do not work. See your doctor if you have pain during bowel movements or notice blood on stools or toilet paper after a bowel movement.

Take-home points

Your fissures might heal more rapidly and painfully with the help of specific diets and lifestyle changes. Consuming meals that are high in fibre, probiotics, and vitamins C and zinc may be useful. Additionally, getting enough exercise and consuming a lot of water may be beneficial. There aren't any magic meals or quick treatments for cracks, though. If you have any concerns or your fissure hasn't healed after 8 weeks, take an appointment with a specialist doctor. We at sprint medical can help you with scheduling the appointment. 

Also Read: Difference between Piles, Fissure and Fistula


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