1/03/2023 / Health and Fitness

How to Increase Height in Kids Naturally?

Explore the secret for How to Increase Height in Kids. Also find out Natural Ways to increase height in children. Learn diet, exercise and yoga to increase height.

How to Increase Height in Kids Naturally
Dr. Mrinalinee RoyDr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
MBBS Doctor, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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Genes are the most important factor when it comes to ways to increase height in Kids naturally. Nutritional factors, good sleep, physical activity and posture are what one can control, to increase height in kids.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to increase height in kids naturally, misconceptions about height increase, and what are negative factors when it comes to ways to increase height in children.

How to Increase Height in Kids Naturally? 

It is believed that 80% of the height of an individual is controlled by genes, other factors which influence height are nutrition, sleep and physical activity. The growth spurts occur during adolescence when the height of a child increases rapidly then as the Child transitions from teen to adult, the height becomes stable and it becomes unlikely that an increase in height will happen. So what are ways to increase height in children?

How to Increase Height in Kids Naturally
  1. Eating a Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet during growing years is one of the important ways of increasing height in children. The diet should include fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, proteins and dairy apart from this include iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus), folic acid, vitamin D, and unsaturated fatty acids. One should avoid Excess sugar and trans and saturated fats. Children should be exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months 

  2. Using supplements Cautiously: Supplements are not one of the important ways to increase height in children as there are very few places where a doctor can recommend supplements like Human Growth hormone deficiency, they should be used cautiously. One should avoid using scams or shortcuts for increasing your kid's height as once the bone's growth plates become fused they are less to no chance of further increase in height.

  3. Practising Yoga: If you’re looking for How to increase the height of a child naturally? Yoga can help improve your posture to make you look taller when you stand. Yoga also helps in strengthening the muscles of the whole body. Start with yoga for improved posture like cobra pose, child’s pose, warrior II pose, mountain pose etc.

  4. Adequate Sleep: Growth hormone is responsible for growth and height development. Growth hormone is released while we sleep, getting adequate sleep can help improve growth hormone secretion and help your child reach optimal height. Recommended sleep duration for young children(3-5 years old) is 10-12 hours.

  5. Maintaining Good posture: A Poor posture makes your child look less tall as compared to a good posture. Slumping and slouching also affect the height of a child. Practising good posture habits will help in achieving optimum height. Poor posture also leads to back and neck pain. Start with exercises focussed on good posture and then slowly improve ergonomics like chair and pillow to get a good posture.

  6. Physical Activity: Children should get at least 1 hour of exercise daily. Exercise helps in maintaining optimum weight and stimulates growth hormone production which is important for attaining good height. In adults, exercise helps strengthen muscles, and prevents osteoporosis in old age which further prevents poor posture in old age. Aerobic activities like biking, running and playing are the best activities which should be promoted in children.

  7. Creating a good living environment: Parents should avoid early exposure to electronic devices to children. Parents should promote studying and healthy outdoor activities with rewards. Apart from ways to increase height in children, it is very important to create a loving and affectionate environment to promote the overall growth of a child.

What are other factors which affect a child’s height?

Other factors which affect a child's height are genetics. Genetics control 70-80% of height. Height is encoded by many genes, not one.

Genetic abnormalities like Down syndrome, achondroplasia and Turner syndrome can result in shorter height which cannot be cured.

Height is also controlled by hormones such as growth hormone, thyroid hormone and sex hormones like testosterone.

Following a balanced diet, healthy sleep habits and physical exercise can help increase height in kids, if they don't have some underlying disease.

Negative Factors which influence height 

There are several negative factors which can influence height in children:

Negative Factors which influence height
  1. Stress: Chronic stress can affect hormone levels which can further negatively impact height.

  2. Inadequate nutrition: Nutrients are required for optimal growth and height. Deficiency of any can lead to decreased height.

  3. Exposure to toxins: Exposure to certain chemicals like Lead, cadmium and polychlorinated biphenyl is linked with decreased height.

  4. Specific Health Conditions: Health conditions like Growth hormone deficiency, anaemia, cystic fibrosis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis are some of the conditions in which height can be affected.

Special points about increasing height for children

Special points associated with increasing height in children. Here are some of them:

  1. Every child grows at their own pace and has their developmental milestones.

  2. Excessive dieting is not recommended at the time of adolescence because it is a period of growth. 

  3. Parents should not impose dietary restrictions on children if they gain weight during adolescence.

  4. Height cannot increase after adulthood, so it is better to stay away from scam products which promise to increase height in children.

  5. Use of Growth hormone therapy must always be done under the supervision of trained physicians.

  6. Parents should always include foods to meet micronutrient requirements like Zinc, chromium, selenium and Vitamin B complex-rich foods.

When to see a doctor for height growth

Chronic Stunting or decreased height in children can be distressing for parents but When to See a Doctor. Here are some points to consider:

When to see a doctor for height growth
  1. Significant deviation from growth charts: You should visit a Paediatrician at regular intervals, he will assess your kid’s height using a growth chart. Any deviation from the normal range is considered abnormal

  2. Delayed puberty: Delayed puberty is not always normal, but having a check on height by a paediatrician would help rule out conditions affecting height.

  3. Family History of Short Stature: if there is a family history of short stature, then you should visit a paediatrician. Genes control the majority of height.

Take-home points

  1. Genes are the most important factor when it comes to ways to increase height in Kids naturally. 

  2. It is believed that 80% of the height of an individual is controlled by genes, other factors which influence height are nutrition, sleep and physical activity.

  3. Physical activity, a balanced diet and adequate sleep can help increase height in kids.

  4. Negative factors which influence height in children are exposure to toxins, stress and inadequate nutrition.

  5. You should consult a Paediatrician at regular intervals for your child’s height.


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