10/11/2022 / Health and Fitness

Home Exercises For Total Body Fat Loss

Total body fat loss is crucial because it gives a sense of energy and fitness. In this article, we will outline some home exercises for total body fat loss.

Home Exercises For Total Body Fat Loss
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If you are looking to cut some extra fat from your body, then home exercises are a good option to consider. Exercises that engage your entire body are best for total body fat loss since they use multiple muscle groups simultaneously. You may burn fat and develop muscle with the appropriate strategy for weight loss, which helps you burn more calories even when you're at rest. Additionally, you'll tone your body and probably begin to feel better physically and psychologically. However, your outcomes will depend on your Consistency and discipline. You can do the home exercises for total body fat loss and try to do the full body fat-burning workouts. These workouts will help you stay healthy both physically and mentally. Doing the home exercises for total body fat loss will also involve a total fat loss workout plan at home. Let's discuss some of the facts about today's body fat and some exercises for total body fat loss. 

What is Total Body Fat?

The total body fat is the total amount of fat in the body divided by the mass of the body of the person multiplied by a hundred.  

The total body fat content in men and women is dependent on their age groups for example for men and women of 20 to 39 of age the total body fat content needs to be 10% and 26% respectively. For men and women aged from 40 to 59, the total body fat content needs to be 28% and 18% respectively. 

Importance of Total Body Fat Loss

Importance Of Total Body Fat Loss

By building and maintaining the necessary lean muscle, you may continue to raise your metabolism, which aids in the burning of body fat. The secret is developing a consistent way of living that incorporates long-term adjustments to regular eating and exercise routines. The importance of losing total body fat are as follows:

  • Enhance your physical fitness. 

  • Lessen the strain on joints.

  • Losing one pound of body weight reduces 4 pounds of pressure on knee joints.

  • Heart disease risk is reduced.

  • Boost general brain function, enhance blood flow to the brain, and lessen pressure on blood vessels.

  • Improves memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. 

  • Reducing stress and enhancing mental health.

  • Lower risk of developing cancer and other diseases like type 2 diabetes.

  • Reduce levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, raise levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, and control high blood pressure.

  • Not only does losing body fat improve the way your body feels. Along with minimizing various health risks, it improves your mood and mental wellness. 

Home Exercises For Total Body Fat Loss

Home Exercises For Body Fat Loss

Here is a few exercises for full body fat-burning workout with no equipment:


Balance exercises are a crucial component of a well-rounded workout program. Lunges accomplish this by encouraging functional mobility while also boosting your leg and gluteal strength.


  • Begin by assuming a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

  • With your right leg, walk forward, bending your knee as you go, stopping until your thigh is parallel to the ground. 

  • Make sure your right knee doesn't go past where your right foot is.

  • Return to your starting posture by pushing up with your right foot. Continue by using your left leg. One rep equals this.

  • Complete three 10-rep sets.


Pushups are a great way to build strength for beginners. Because so many muscles are used, pushups are among the most straightforward yet efficient bodyweight exercises you can perform.


  • Take a plank stance to begin. Your shoulders should be pushed back and down, and your neck should be in a neutral position.

  • Start lowering your body to the ground by bending your elbows. 

  • Extend your elbows and go back to the beginning when your chest touches it. During the motion, pay attention to keeping your elbows tight to your torso.

  • Complete three sets of as many repetitions as you can.


Squats improve hip and lower back flexibility as well as lower body and core strength. They exert a significant amount on the body's main muscles, which results in a powerful calorie-burning effect.


  • Start by taking a straight stance, keeping your arms by your sides and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

  • Push your hips back and bend your knees as if you were ready to sit in a chair while bracing your core and maintaining your chest and chin up.

  • Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your knees from bending inward or outward, and extend your arms in front of you in a natural stance. Extend your legs and go back to the starting position after a one-second pause.

  • Complete three 20-rep sets.


Burpees are a whole-body workout that we all despise but are incredibly effective at building both aerobic endurance and muscle strength.


  • Standing straight up, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides is the first step.

  • Start to kneel down while holding your hands out in front of you. Push yourself into a pushup stance by straightening your legs as soon as your hands touch the ground.

  • By bending at the waist, you can jump your feet up to your palms. Bring your feet as near as you can to your hands, even if that means placing them slightly outside of them.

  • Jump while standing up straight and raising your arms above your head.

  • One rep equals this. As a beginner, perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Side planks

Don't overlook core-specific exercises like the side plank because a healthy body needs a strong core as its foundation. To make sure you're performing this motion correctly, concentrate on the mind-muscle connection and regulated movements.


  • Stack your left leg and foot on top of your right leg and foot while lying on your right side. Put your right forearm on the floor with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder to support your upper torso.

  • Your knees and hips should be raised off the ground as you tighten your core to stiffen your spine and create a straight line with your body.

  • A controlled way of going back to the beginning. On one side, perform three sets of 10–15 repetitions, then switch.


Planks are a powerful exercise that works your entire body, including your abdominal muscles. Planking stabilizes your midsection without putting as much stress on your back as crunches or sit-ups may.


  • Start in the pushup posture, keeping your back straight, your abs taut, and your hands and toes firmly planted on the ground.

  • Maintain a small chin tuck and fix your eyes directly in front of your hands.

  • Make sure your stomach, shoulders, triceps, glutes, and quads are all contracted while taking slow, deep breaths and maintaining tension throughout your entire body.

  • Start with 2-3 sets of 30-second holds.

Glute bridge

The Glute bridge can be a great home exercise for training the core muscles along with the glutes.


  • Begin by lying on the ground with your knees bent, your feet flat, and your arms straight out in front of you, your palms facing up.

  • By tightening your core, glutes, and hamstrings, push through your heels to lift your hips off the ground. Your upper back and shoulders should still be flat on the floor, and a straight line should extend from your midsection to your knees.

  • Return to the starting position after a one to two-second pause at the top.

  • 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions are required.

Dumbell chest press

For this exercise, you would require a pair of dumbells. Dumbell chest press is a great way to start building the chest muscles and triceps as well.


  • Lean backwards against a bench (or for extra core stability work, an exercise ball).

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise your hands so they are above your chest.

  • As you press the weights straight above your shoulders, extend your arms fully.

  • Before lowering the weights to the starting position, pause for a second.

Dumbell front squats

Once you have mastered the full body weight loss workout for beginners, you can move into the intermediate state by adding up weights to the regular exercises. Dumbell front squats is a great way to start.


  • Your feet should be hip-width apart, and you should hold a dumbbell in each hand.

  • To place one end of each weight on your shoulders, bend your arms.

  • From here, squat by bringing your hips back and down.

  • Push through your heels forcefully to ascend to the starting position.


You must not skip the deadlift if you wish to work on your strength training and fat loss programme. To perform deadlifts, you will require a straight rod and some weights. Once you have that you can follow the mentioned procedure:


  • Place the barbell in front of your feet while standing with your feet hip distance apart.

  • As you tilt your hips to pick up the barbell, bring your hips down and back slightly.

  • In order to stand up, move your hips forward.

  • Place the bar a little lower than your hips.

  • Straighten your spine and slightly bend your knees.

  • To lower the bar down to the floor, hinge back down to the beginning position while pushing your hips back and bending your knees.

Skipping Rope

Though it may sound ordinary, using skipping ropes on a regular basis can burn a lot of calories for you. The process is also very simple. You just need to grab the handles that are attached to the two ends of the rope and spin it front or backwards in a circular manner with medium speed. 

Take-Home Point

If you have the motivation, self-control, and dedication to stick to a balanced exercise and nutrition regimen, you may achieve your goals of increasing your strength and losing weight. It can take a few months before you start to see benefits, but keep in mind that change takes time. Make healthy dietary adjustments and a commitment to exercising for at least 30 minutes each day if you want to lose weight. You can easily follow these full body fat loss workout plan at home and see the results yourself.


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