03-12-2024 / Digestive Disease & Gastroenterology

Home Remedies for Loose Motion

Get familiar with home remedies for loose motion. Learn about the causes of loose motion and how they can be prevented. When should you seek professional assistance for loose motion?

Home Remedies for Loose Motion
Mohammad AqdusMohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus
Medical Student, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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Loose motion, also called diarrhoea, refers to loose watery faeces or stool. A person is considered to have loose motions if these watery faeces occur more than three times in a day. There are various causes of loose motions, which normally disappear on their own after a few days. However, one may have to frequent the bathroom more than usual. Some people also tend to feel bloated, may develop abdominal discomfort, and nausea in most cases. Though loose motions normally occur for a given period, they can lead to complications in some instances.

Loose motions can dehydrate your body, cause electrolyte imbalances, or kidney failure. If you experience loose motions, your body loses water and electrolytes whenever you go to the bathroom. Thus you should consume a lot of fluids to counteract these effects.

Causes of Loose Motions

There are different types of loose motions, which include short-term, persistent, and long-term. Acute loose motions tend to be the most common, and a person may experience watery stools for a day or two. This type normally disappears on its own without treatment. Persistent loose motions can last between two and four weeks. Chronic or long-term loose motions can last more than four weeks.

Some of the most common causes of loose motions are:

·         Contaminated water that hosts bacteria and parasites.

·         Viruses, such as norovirus, flu, or rotavirus.

·         Certain medications like antibiotics, antacids, or cancer drugs.

·         Food intolerances.

·         Poor absorption of food along the gut.

·         Food poisoning.

·         Allergic reaction to radiation therapy.

What are the signs and Symptoms of Loose Motions?

If you have mild loose motions, you may experiences symptoms such as:

·         Urgent need to go to the washroom.

·         Watery stool.

·         Nausea.

·         Bloating in the lower abdomen.

In severe loose motions, common symptoms include:

·         Vomiting.

·         Dehydration.

·         Dark urine

·         Black, tarry stools

·         Fatigue

·         Extreme weakness

·         Bloody stools.

·         Fever over 102 degrees F

·         Little or no urination

·         Acute abdominal pain (stomachache)

Home Remedies for Loose Motions

The best way to cope with dehydration when experiencing loose motions is to ensure the lost fluids and electrolytes lost are replenished. Based on your condition, you may need to take some medications to treat an infection or control your loose motions. Adults should take plenty of fluids, such as water, salty broths, sports drinks, fruit juices, and caffeine-free sodas.


Children with loose motions should receive oral rehydration to restore fluids and electrolytes lost during frequent bowel movements. Some of the most effective home remedies for loose motions include:

1.   Rehydration

During loose motions, the body tends to lose a lot of fluids including water. As a result, your body also loses electrolytes like sodium, potassium and chloride. Restoring the lost fluids and electrolytes is paramount in supporting the recovery process. Failure to this can exacerbate the condition and lead to dehydration.

Dehydration is dangerous in both kids and adults, and thus it is important to take plenty of water if one has loose motions. While drinking water is a major step towards your recovery, health experts also recommend OTC rehydration solutions, diluted fruit juices, and non-caffeinated sport drinks.

It is also recommendable to avoid foods and drinks that can irritate your digestive tract such as:

·         Caffeinated drinks.

·         Very hot drinks.

·         Alcohol.

·         Fizzy drinks.

2.   Consume Recovery Diet

Consumption of a recovery diet is vital as an effective home remedy for loose motions. Health experts recommend taking small diets frequently rather than eating three huge meals a day if you have diarrhoea. Some of the foods they recommend include:

·         Foods and drinks rich in potassium and sodium. These include boiled potatoes, broths, and bananas.

·         Foods with low-fibre such as yoghurt, lean meat, and noodles.

Nevertheless, not all persons with loose motions will benefit from these foods and drinks recommendations. For example, yoghurt may not be a good choice if you have lactose intolerance.

In addition, some people can resort to liquid diets at the onset of loose motions and find some relief. Examples of liquid diets you can try include salty broths, drinks, and bland soups.

3.   Try BRAT Diet

Another option when it comes to home remedies for loose motion is the BRAT diet. It consists:

·         Bananas

·         Rice

·         Applesauce

·         Toast

A BRAT diet consists of bland foods that are high in starch and low in fiber. According to experts, this kind of diet can help in the production of more solid bowel movements. Additionally, it is rich in essential nutrients such as pectin and potassium.

It is worth noting that a BRAT diet is very restrictive and won’t offer you balanced nutrition. You should therefore follow this diet until your condition improves but don’t make it long-term.

4.   Consume Fermented Foods

Studies show that regular consumption of fermented food can help to resolve loose motions faster than other home remedy options. Fermented foods are loaded with bacteria and yeasts which accelerate conversion of carbohydrates to alcohol and organic acids.

Some of the fermented foods you can introduce in your diet include:

·         Kimchi

·         Kefir

·         Natto

·         Saucekrat

·         Kombucha

·         Tempeh

·         Sourdough bread

·         Miso

5.   Use Probiotics

Probiotics refer to microorganisms that are beneficial to the digestive system. These microorganisms can assist in food digestion and prevent infection in the gut. According to experts, taking probiotics as one of the home remedies for loose motions can improve:

1.  Stool composition or morphology

2.  Frequency in bowel movement

3.  Symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome

You can also get probiotics in natural form from certain foods such as fermented foods and yoghurt. Alternatively, use probiotic supplements which are readily available in pharmacies or online.

However, it is important to consult your healthcare provider or a pharmacist before starting any probiotics supplements. They will help you in choosing the right and safe supplement.

6.   Don’t Exercise

According to experts, you should stay away from exercises if your symptoms are “below the neck” such as loose motions. Your body loses fluids whenever you exercise, which can worsen your condition if you have diarrhoea.

Instead of engaging in workouts, your body needs some rest. Whereas you can go about with your daily activities, don’t spend a lot of your calories with exercise. Exercising alone can trigger diarrhoea. You may have heard about “runners’ diarrhoea,” which occurs during or after running long distances.

7.   Take OTC Medications

You can find several over-the-counter medications that are specially designed to treat loose motions. Examples include:

·         Bismuth, subsalicylate

·         Loperamide (Imodium)

It is worth noting that these OTC medications may not be the right choice if you have an underlying medical condition. For instance, if you are experiencing bloody bowel movement or fever, you should refrain from these OTC medications unless with instructions from your healthcare provider.

In extreme cases of loose motions, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication to treat the cause of your diarrhoea. Some of prescription medications include:

·         Antibiotics: These help in the elimination of bacterial infections along your digestive tract due to consumption of contaminated food or water.

·         Antiparasitic: These drugs help to treat diarrhoea symptoms that are caused by parasites, such as protozoa, ectoparasites, and helminths. 

Foods to Avoid in Loose Motion


Some people with loose motions will find some solace by avoiding certain foods that trigger irritation or put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the foods you should avoid include:

·         Foods rich in fat, such as chips, fried food and pastries

·         High fructose foods

·         Foods containing artificial sweeteners

·         Fatty or processed meat like bacon

·         High fibre foods, such as vegetables and legumes

If you have lactose intolerance, it is recommendable to avoid dairy products containing lactose because they can worsen your condition.

Simple Indian home remedies for loose motions

a) Bananas, nutmeg, ghee, and cardamom

Thoroughly mix a banana or two with and add a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom. This combination is rich in potassium which helps to bind stools and alleviate loose motions.

b) Apple, ghee, nutmeg, and cardamom

Try cooking some apples with ghee and add a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom. Consuming this mixture can be helpful in the management of loose motions.

c) Ginger, nutmeg, ghee and natural sugar

Consume a mixture of ghee, ginger powder, nutmeg and natural sugar at least three times a day. Repeat for up to three days and your loose motions will subside.

d) Ginger powder and funnel

Though the taste may upset, chewing a mixture of ginger and funnel will go a long way in alleviating loose motion symptoms.

e) Yoghurt, rice and ghee

Mix cooked rice with ghee and yoghurt which helps in the management of loose motions.

f) Herbal tea, lemon juice, nutmeg and cardamom 

Take a cup of black herbal tea and add a pinch of cardamom, lemon juice or nutmeg. Sipping a few cups of this mixture throughout the day will keep you hydrated and alleviate loose motions at the same time.

g) Ginger and natural sugar

Thoroughly mix equal parts of ginger powder and natural sugar with warm water. This is a simple and an ideal solution to deal with loose motions.   

When to Consult a Health Professional for Loose Motion

In most cases, loose motions disappear within a few days (2-3 days). Nevertheless, given that diarrhoea may be due to certain causes, you may have to contact a health professional to treat the underlying cause. You should contact a health expert if symptoms of loose motions fail to disappear with home remedies.

Other reasons to consult a health professional for loose motions include;

·         Blood or pus in your stools

·         Dehydration symptoms, such as dryness in your mouth or extreme thirst

·         Fever

·         Extreme abdominal pain

·         Diarrhoea during sleep

·         Chronic diarrhoea

·         Considerable loss in weight

For young kids and older adults, it is crucial to seek medical interventions if symptoms of loose motions don’t improve within 48 hours.  

Take Home Points

To overcome symptoms associated with loose motions, stay hydrated, consume probiotic-rich foods, avoid exercises, don’t eat certain foods, or try supplements. Over-the-counter medications can also help to alleviate the symptoms.

It is important to consult a healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t improve within two days. If you experience symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, bloody stool, or dehydration, seek immediate medical intervention.


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