11/06/2022 / Health and Fitness

Oregano: Overview, Uses, benefits

Oregano benefits for lungs; use of oregano tea benefits the treatment of bacterial, fungal, viral infections, respiratory and digestive problems, cancer.

Organo Overview, Uses, benefits
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What is Indian oregano?

  • Oregano is a flowering plant species that are used as culinary herbs in foods for flavor and aroma. It is also called wild marjoram, sweet marjoram, winter marjoram, European oregano, Greek oregano, Indian oregano, Spanish thyme, and origanum.  

What is Indian oregano?
  • Oregano is found as purple flowers, with spade-shaped, olive-green leaves. Origanum vulgare is bland with less remarkable taste and pungent. 

  • Oregano contains chemical constituents that will help to reduce cough, help with digestion and fight against some bacteria and viruses. 

Chemical constituents of oregano

  • The chemical constituents of oregano include antioxidants like thymol, carvacrol, limonene, terpinene, ocimene, and caryophyllene. 

  • These give oregano spice its flavor and scent and contribute to the oregano oil health benefits. Oregano in food will provide other antioxidants when consumed. 

  • Oregano in food helps the body eliminate free radicals, the toxic substances resulting from natural processes, and environmental stress. 

Different forms of oregano

You can use different forms of oregano for the purpose of cooking and for health benefits. Different forms of oregano used are

  • Fresh oregano

  • Dried oregano leaves

  • Oregano powder

  • Oregano masala

  • Oregano oil

  • Oregano tea

Oregano uses in cooking

Oregano uses in cooking include- 

  • Oregano in food is commonly used for its flavor and for oregano health benefits. Oregano seasoning is used in Mediterranean and Italian dishes like pizza. Dried oregano is used for the purpose of oregano seasoning, making of oregano masala and oregano powder. 

  • Oregano leaves uses include- the preparation of tomato sauce, Bolognese sauce, preparation of chili oil or chili oil, pizza, baking chicken, and other meats.

  • Dried oregano leaves are used for oregano in food. The preparation of oregano tea also includes dried oregano leaves. 

Oregano uses in cooking

Oregano tea preparation

You can make oregano tea easily by using an oregano tea bag and preparing it according to the label. For the preparation of oregano tea at home, dried oregano leaves are used. 

The procedure to turn the dried spice into tea includes:

  • Boil one cup of water 

  • Pour the boiling water into 2 tablespoons of dried oregano leaves

  • Leave the mixture for 2 to 4 minutes

  • Now strain the liquid to separate the dried oregano leaves

Oregano leaves uses- include the preparation of pesto, making of savory bread, compound butter, and infused honey. 

Preparation of pesto

  • Oregano leaves uses to make a pesto that is easy to store. The oregano leaves are made into a paste with salt, oil, and garlic.

  • Other recipes include- lemon balm oregano pesto, pistachio oregano pesto, lemon oregano pesto, cilantro, and oregano pesto.

Preparation of savory bread

  • Fresh or dried oregano leaves are used in the making of savory and flavorful bread. 

  • The oregano leaves uses to make the ordinary soup more flavorful. 

Preparation of compound butter

Compound butter can be mixed with slices of fresh Indian oregano or dried oregano leaves. This oregano spice can be used on toast, meat, and vegetables. 

Infused in honey

  • Oregano seasoning in infused honey is used as a food and herbal remedy that is 100% delicious.

  • Oregano leaves uses in infused honey can be used in addition to bread, sauces, and more. Oregano benefits and side effects are included in the below sections:

Oregano benefits

Oregano benefits

Antioxidant property

  • Indian oregano is rich in antioxidants that will help to fight damage from the free radicals in your body. 

  • The increase of free radicals can lead to chronic diseases like cancer and heart diseases. Oregano oil benefits to help prevent the damage caused by free radicals in the body. 

  • Oil of oregano uses as an antioxidant due to the presence of chemical constituents like carvacrol and thymol. 

  • When combined with other foods like fruits and vegetables, oregano benefits to improve your health. 

Antibacterial property

  • Oregano medicinal uses include antibacterial properties that help to prevent bacterial infections. 

  • Oregano medicinal uses of antibacterial properties were effective against 23 bacterial species. Oregano essential oil benefits against bacterial infections with its antibacterial infection. 

Anticancer property

  • Oregano spice is high in antioxidants that will help to prevent damage from free radicals and cancer.

  • Oregano health benefits include prevention of cancer by providing help to kill cancer cells. Oregano benefits to treat human colon cancer cells and stop the growth of cancer cells. 

  • Oregano benefits to suppress the growth and progression of colon cancer with the help of carvacrol. 

Antiviral infection

  • Oregano uses also include antibacterial and antiviral properties. The antiviral properties of oregano benefits in the protection against viruses. 

  • The presence of carvacrol and thymol in oregano benefits the exhibition of antiviral properties. 

Decrease inflammation

  • The injuries and illness will generally lead to the occurrence of inflammation. Inflammation is the immune response of your body to an injury.

  • Oregano benefits in the reduction of inflammation due to its antioxidant properties that will help to neutralize free radicals. 

  • Oregano uses are due to the presence of carvacrol which acts as an anti-inflammatory. A mixture of thyme and oregano essential oil benefits in the reduction of the inflamed colon. 

Oregano nutritional value

The oregano nutritional value is divided into the following criteria: 

Oregano nutritional value
  • Protein: 0.2gm

  • Total Lipid :0.18 gm

  • Carbohydrate: 1.1.6 gm

  • Energy: 5.51 Kcal

  • Sugar :0.07 gm

  • Fibre :0.77 gm

  • Calcium: 28.37mg

  • Iron  : 0.79 mg

  • Magnesium : 4.86 mg

Oregano tea benefits

  • Oregano tea benefits are a traditional and natural remedy for many health issues. Tea of oregano benefits for lungs to reduce throat infections and cough. 

  • Oregano tea benefits as antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory medicine. Oregano medicinal uses are obtained by drinking dried oregano leaves tea.

Health benefits of oregano tea include the reduction of: 

  • Sore throat

  • Cough

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Digestive disorders

  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

Oregano oil benefits

Oregano oil benefits for lungs, skin, cooking, and oregano seasoning for salads. Oil of oregano uses in the infections of bacteria, virus, and yeast. 

Oregano oil benefits

Oregano benefits for lungs

  • Oregano benefits for lungs as it cleans the lungs. The presence of carvacrol and thymol in oregano uses to reduce inflammation and congestion in the lungs. 

  • Oregano benefits for lungs to improve airflow. Drinking oregano tea benefits asthma people and reduces other respiratory problems. 

  • Oregano essential oil benefits for lungs and treats viral and bacterial causes of cough and throat infections.

Oregano oil health benefits

Oregano oil health benefits help in the treatment of intestinal parasites and reduce symptoms like:

  • Bloating

  • Cramping

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue

Oregano oil health benefits - help to treat yeast hypersensitivity syndrome. Oregano health benefits help to reduce symptoms like sinus congestion and headache caused due to yeast infection.

Oil of oregano uses in the oral or inhaled form to treat respiratory conditions like cough, asthma, and bronchitis.

Oregano oil benefits for skin

  • Oregano oil benefits for skin and has been used to treat acne, athlete’s foot, warts, dandruff, gum disease, toothaches, wounds, and skin infections. 

  • Oregano oil benefits for skin by reducing rashes. Oregano oil benefits for skin to reduce inflammation, and tissue remodeling. 

  • Oregano oil benefits reducing inflammation internally and externally. Oregano oil benefits for skin by reducing acne through anti-bacterial activity. 

Oregano oil side effects

  • Oregano oil side effects will cause problems like excitability and irritability. Oregano oil side effects are more seen during pregnancy when given in larger doses. 

Oregano oil side effects
  • Oregano oil side effects are increased when applied directly without diluting. Oregano oil side effects cause skin irritation when consumed without medical advice.  

  • Oregano oil side effects cause reduction of blood sugar levels and will alter the diabetic medications.

Parts of oregano used

  • All parts of oregano benefits for cooking and medical purposes. The parts of Indian oregano spice are flowers and leaves.

  • Oregano flowers are edible and are used to add color and flavor to the dishes. The oregano flowers are used to give intense flavor. 

  • The oregano leaves are used in cooking and are made into oregano spice and oregano seasoning. The oregano leaves have a slightly bitter flavor that is used in Mediterranean and Italian dishes. 

Take-home points

  • Oregano uses include oregano oil benefits for skin, oregano benefits for lungs, oregano health benefits, and oregano medicinal uses.

  • Oregano uses in cooking can be of different forms like oregano powder, oregano seasoning, oregano spice, and oregano masala. 

  • Oregano oil health benefits will help to improve ailments of digestion, irritation of the skin, rashes, respiratory issues, nausea, sore throat, and muscle and joint pains.

  • Oregano medicinal uses comprise antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. 

  • Dried oregano leaves benefits in cooking and making tea that has antioxidant properties and helps to prevent cancer cells.

  • Oregano oil health benefits will help to prevent damage from the free radicals of the body and oregano oil benefits for skin to reduce acne. 

  • Oregano oil side effects cause nausea, vomiting, gastric irritation and hyperactivity. 


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